We are delighted to be welcoming Bruce Lyon and Winter Jade Icely to Dublin in June for a weekend of gatherings, deep discussions and experiential journeys. . There are two events: Friday (evening) June 10th and Saturday (all day) June 11th. . Friday, June 10th, 6.30-9.30pm The Gathering at the Well €26 Book here . Saturday, June 11th 2022 9-5pm Wild Love Relating- The Love Which is to Come €154 Book here . INFO: . THE GATHERING AT THE WELL (Friday evening) Mystery schools emerge at the change of civilisations and are nurseries for the culture which is to come. They draw on the perennial teachings of the past, renewing and updating them. To use Jungian language, they are where the Spirit of the Depths meets the Spirit of the Times, to bring forth the Way of What is to Come. They have the universal life principle at their centre but are clothed in the unique soul qualities of the lands and cultures in which they emerge. The soul and soil of Ireland has a rich and deep history of magic. In the trans-Himalayan esoteric tradition it is said to be the home of the emerging second ray temple that focuses on the mysteries of the heart and the love principle. This evening is for those that feel a deep resonance with the Celtic mysteries and want to gather together to share and listen to what is bubbling up from the well. Bruce Lyon & Winter Icely are part of the core at Highden Temple - a New Zealand mystery school many decades in the making. They will share some of the core experiences that supported its emergence and want to deepen the link between those doing temple work in Ireland and other temples emerging around the world. . WILD LOVE RELATING (Saturday) Relationships are undergoing huge shifts as the way we experience love also changes. People are exploring different forms from monogamy to polyamory, different gender identities and different ways to express themselves. . All this against a backdrop of planetary crisis, civilisational change and soul emergence. This workshop will offer you some helpful frames and practices for negotiating your inner and outer relating journey as well as some insights about the love which is on its way. We will work with erotic energies along with heart and soul but nudity or sexuality is not required. . You will be at full choice for any practice and all genres/identities/relationship styles are welcome. You are welcome to come alone or with a beloved. Bruce Lyon & Winter Icely have been on a relationship journey for five years as part of a community at Highden Temple in New Zealand. . It has been a crucible for experimentation by a committed global group of beings who were dedicated to the inquiry of how love was wanting to move. We learned a lot, some of it surprising and we have a harvest to share. . Bruce initiated Highden, Shamballa School, Wild Love and is part of the wisdom council for ISTA. Winter facilitates the Temple Training, ISTA and initiated Magdelana - a temple for the feminine mysteries. Book both Friday evening and Saturday all day €175 here