
Magdalena- Turkey
Magdalena is a six day journey into the feminine mysteries.
Join us in beautiful Turkey July 2025.

Luxury ISTA Level 1 Guatemala
In 2025, The International School of Temple Arts will be hosting its transformative Level 1 Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience residential retreat at one of the world’s most majestic destinations: Lake Atitlán, Guatemala.

A Day With The Mystical Feminine
It is our task to imprint this temporary, perishable earth into ourselves so deeply, so painfully and passionately, that its essence can rise again “invisibly,” inside us. We are the bees of the invisible. We wildly collect the honey of the visible, to store it in the great golden hive of the invisible.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke
Winter Jade Icely returns to Melbourne after two years to bring A day with the Mystical Feminine.
The feminine in essence is mystical
She calls forth the unseen life behind outer forms
and rests in the dark stillness of the liminal.
Her gaze reveals worlds of magic, wonder and beauty.
A day with the Mystical Feminine is an invitation for those in female bodies to enter into and unfold your inherent magic and intuition. To carve out a day in your outer formed life for the inner mystical worlds of the feminine.
We will explore the following doorways into these worlds
Oracular wisdom: unfolding psychic pathways of intuition
Embodied magic: the body as a vehicle of ecstatic conjuring
Vibrational magic: potion making and spell crafting
Erotic magic: opening the realms of the liminal through eros
Heart magic: collective healing of keening/ the eros of the heart
and of course this is just a guide, when working wth the mystical feminine we listen to the subtle arising of life in each moment.
DETAILS of the day
10am- 4pm
Cost - $180 individual tickets
$160 dual tickets (bring a friend)
Tickets. https://www.trybooking.com/CLFHD
Second Story Studios
222A Johnston St, Collingwood

Ista level 1- Austria
Ask yourself this question: Are you ready to jump off the edge and dive deeper to empower your life?
Welcome to Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience SSSEx Level 1!

Magdalena- Finland
Magdalena is a seven day journey into the heart of the feminine mysteries through the initiations of LIFE and the ancient rituals that open the doors to this remembering.

Magdalena- Highden Temple
Magdalena is a seven day journey into the heart of the feminine mysteries through the initiations of LIFE and the ancient rituals that open the doors to this remembering.

Magdalena for Maidens
Magdalena for Maidens is a two day initiation into the feminine mysteries for girls and those in female bodies and their mothers aged between 10-14 years.
An embodied introduction to the magic of the Magdalena Teachings.

Ista Level 1- Guatemala
In 2022 The International School of Temple Arts will be hosting its transformative Level 1 Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience residential retreat at one of the world’s most majestic destinations: Lake Atitlán, Guatemala.
From July 9-15, ISTA Guatemala level 1 will take place at the luxurious and eco-friendly Villa Sumaya, located on the shores of the lake, surrounded by three breathtaking volcanoes.

ISTA level 2- Berlin
SSSIn (Level 2) guides the participant through a series of self - initiations that say goodbye to old patterns of relating and anchor the identity in the deep self that is already free, inherently loving and dynamically creative in the world.

Wild Love Dublin
We are delighted to be welcoming Bruce Lyon and Winter Jade Icely to Dublin in June for a weekend of gatherings, deep discussions and experiential journeys.

The Temple Training
The very centre of your heart is where life begins. The most beautiful place on earth.” - Rumi
The Temple Training- Falling through the core of love
February 7th- 18th March 2022
The Temple Training is a soul Initiation for pioneers of the heart. We open more deeply into the mysteries of love.

ISTA LEvel 1- New Zealand
This life changing transformational intensive focuses on allowing, through clear consciousness, the integration of all aspects of our Being; mind, body, sexuality, emotions and spirit.

The Temple Training- Heart Initiation
The Temple Training is a soul Initiation for pioneers of the heart. We open more deeply into the mysteries of love. Love of the soul, love of the dark and the wild love that flows from that place. We explore the integration of love through the three rings of spirit, soul and embodiment.

Unify- Wild Love Relating
Love is at the centre of all true relating and that love is wild.
This five day intensive is a deep dive into the essence of that love. Whether you are single or in any form of partnership, whatever gender or sexual orientation you identify with we welcome you.
What we seek most is a willingness to feel and face the heart of what love is and for it to ravish our world.
Unify- Wild Love Relating is a radical, tender and evolutionary journey into living this love at the core of everything.

Ravish me earth!
Ravish me earth! is a four week online journey where earth is our beloved.
We traverse wild landscapes and dip into endless oceans of embodied life.
This experience is designed to enter your body heart and mind, to reveal the nature of nature, the ecstatic belonging in your bones.