the legacy of our love
Winter Icely Winter Icely

the legacy of our love

There are connections in my life that awaken a longing in my heart

An ache.

Between us rests a love so ancient,

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I miss you when you are right here
Winter Icely Winter Icely

I miss you when you are right here

My heart has been traversing the landscapes of an ancient grief.

I found it hiding out under moss and vine.

Underneath the bedrock of anger and projection there it was; in the shape of the ocean, it smelt like autumn.

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The Dark feminine
Winter Icely Winter Icely

The Dark feminine

The Dark Feminine is not a woman but a field of energy that expresses the ancient lineages of the carnal and primordial wisdoms.

The Dark Feminine is a principle that knits together spirit consciousness with the deep pulsing rootedness of earth bound life.

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We live inside giants
Winter Icely Winter Icely

We live inside giants

From the darkness

Archetypes are birthed

cloaked in energetic imprints

that carry old age stories

a golden thread

woven through the history of everything.

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inside eden
Winter Icely Winter Icely

inside eden

๐‡๐ฎ๐ฆ๐š๐ง๐ข๐ญ๐ฒ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž๐ฌ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง ๐ ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ญ ๐ฆ๐ฒ๐ญ๐ก๐จ๐ฅ๐จ๐ ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ

They are the sacred tales of our beginnings and endings that hold within them archetypal melodies, the cords of culture that infuse civilisations. Myths are the maps of meaning for our human experience and whether we consent to it or not humanity exists within these ancient narratives.

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Passing the torch
Winter Icely Winter Icely

Passing the torch


I have mostly kept my gaze away from the current scuffle around the Born Again Christian voice accusing the goddess/ embodiment arts, of heresy (which really in our collective memory is a familiar cry) but since I have been publicly called โ€˜into the ringโ€™ I am going to share my perspective.  

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My Dark Master
Winter Icely Winter Icely

My Dark Master

I am an undercover agent

A harlot

A wicked adulteress

I am pure fraudulence.

And I am here


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A silent roar
Winter Icely Winter Icely

A silent roar

Words are becoming foreign landscapes to me as the language of the sensuous beckons.

I have a longing to hear a silent circular chord that encompasses everything in existence.

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Dark Currency
Winter Icely Winter Icely

Dark Currency

I see a bright portion

under the overhead light

that shades into


and then into darker


and I can't see beyond that.โ€

โ€• Charles Bukowski,

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My eternal beloved
Winter Icely Winter Icely

My eternal beloved

My Eternal Beloved

I have been yours since the first cosmic breath was exhaled inside the primordial waters of your dark womb.

You my love have caressed my many faces with your southerly wind fingertips.

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Winter Icely Winter Icely



This is not just a โ€˜womenโ€™s trainingโ€™ but a rite of passage into the future that is already here, waiting for our gaze to soften enough to detect the subtle magic illuminating all life.

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Winter Icely Winter Icely


Magdalena is not a woman, mother or whore.

Neither her or she.

Magdalena is a principle of LIFE that anchors in the core of the heart stretching down to the smallest molecule and up to the cosmic sea.

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Soul initiation and emergence
Winter Icely Winter Icely

Soul initiation and emergence

Sitting under a Pohutukawa tree as the moon edges towards its fullness of luminosity and I am reflecting upon my journey over the past year. I am currently in what feels like a pregnant pause from an intense year of soul 'work' (emergence). The relief of just for a few months having a โ€˜normalโ€™ life where my days revolve around what time I take my swim, what I am having for dinner, the โ€˜respectableโ€™ hour for daily my Gin and Tonic and some part of my psyche is purring.

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This is what you have been waiting for
Winter Icely Winter Icely

This is what you have been waiting for

Some of us have to dig deep to see that this time right now is the time of our lives.

The world is in complete shutdown; government controls are tightening, mass fear pervades the planet, mistrust in humanity is now an emoji and some of us are using scrapbook pages in lieu of toilet paper.

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My heart on the outside
Winter Icely Winter Icely

My heart on the outside

It was my 42nd birthday on the summer solstice and I was hanging upside down over a waterfall in Greece as part of a ritual to acknowledge the doorway to my Uranus Opposition Midlife Transit.

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Teachings from beyond the veils
Winter Icely Winter Icely

Teachings from beyond the veils

Archetypes have been surfacing within our collective culture for thousands of years. The origins of archetypal theorem trace back to Plato who deciphered them as mental forms imprinted in the soul. Jung described archetypes as universal patterns and images found within our collective unconscious. These images have emerged through mythologies, religions, legends and for me, through direct transmissions.

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In dark we trust
Winter Icely Winter Icely

In dark we trust

We are on the threshold of an evolution in planetary consciousness with the equinoctial shift from the astrological constellation of Pisces into Aquarius entering a new cycle of World Age.

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Sexually empowered woman
Winter Icely Winter Icely

Sexually empowered woman

What is a sexually empowered woman?

Facilitating workshops on sexuality I have often encountered projections of my own sexual life; assumptions of raging promiscuity, orgies or boundary-less engagements. These projections are somewhat inaccurate and although I have explored many frontiers of sexual expression, I have also had many years of little sexual engagement with others.

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Dweller in the dark
Winter Icely Winter Icely

Dweller in the dark

I am writing about a monster that lives inside of me, down in the fiery pits of my emotional body. I have always known it was there but mostly preferred to believe that the creature that dwelled in the dark fringes of my subconscious would just one day pack up and leave.

It didnโ€™t. Instead it awakened.

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