This is what you have been waiting for

Some of us have to dig deep to see that this time right now is the time of our lives.

The world is in complete shutdown; government controls are tightening, mass fear pervades the planet, mistrust in humanity is now an emoji and some of us are using scrapbook pages in lieu of toilet paper.

Yep, life is sweet.

The maniacal part of me that twitches in sadistic delight at the eruption of any form of chaos is masturbating right now under my floral sheets.

Pass me a scrapbook page,

I just came.

You see for me,

The load of spunk that was spoofed over the face of humanity a few thousand years ago has finally dried and now cracks are revealing.

The beautiful trollop underneath

The fiery face of the world soul.

Yes diseased friends, this is our time to shine, this is what our lives have been dedicated to;

Ejaculation control and the emergence of a new civilisation.

To be honest I am rather relieved at the way things are unfolding, I have been carrying some anxiety since my old mate Genesis started banging on about floods, earthquakes, tornadoes and locusts.

LOL .. it was just a little virus.

So in all seriousness friends and I am talking to both of you now,

this is not the time to start hoarding sheets of ply or sitting down to another glass of hand sanitiser.

This is when we scrub the jizz off our own faces and plot our emergence.

I want to look good when the inferno of my limitless nature blazes through the shards of a civilisation built on fear and survival and offset by a hideous fear of death.

Pass me the face mask.

You see, most of us have a secret stash of radiance that has been gestating inside our deepest longings, a hidden jewel underneath the crust of our personality sheath.

We have been holding something so precious inside our core, too beautiful to reveal to a world that could packet, market and consume it.

How hard it is to bring forth something invisible to a world of concrete commodity?


the structures of that world begin to falter

and the ‘stock’ market of what is ‘valued’ suddenly seems insignificant and superfluous

and the burgeoning fear pulsing through the veins of this world begins to bleed everywhere..

Dear Infected ones, we are experiencing a planetary haemorrhaging.

Never in our lives have we seen the world come to a standstill and through the gift of a ‘measly little microbe’

We are collectively standing still.

Hell, even global warming and the looming environmental crisis could not slow down the binge consumption of something, anything, everything to relieve our collective fear of death.

And the truth is, the end is near.

As we stand still, death is coming for the controlling, fearful, power- hungry, human centric ‘self’ reigning this planet that lives in every one of us.

What also lives inside is the potent, indestructible force of love burning at our core.

You are part of the world soul that is stirring and the time of your deepest emergence is bang on right now.

The magic you have been holding inside, your unique note, the very reason for your incarnation is now ready to rumble.

Your carriage awaits dear one.

So many of us have been waiting for this moment on the planet, for a gap in the stream, a pause in the traffic, a crack in the construct

For the soul of the world to take up the space - for your soul to take up space in your own world.

We have a powerful opportunity right now to centre our lives around what lives on the inside,

That which has been standing still at our core before any input

Before we squeezed ourselves into the encasement of a human in the modern world.

Before we became someONE.

This emergence IS the new civilisation we have all been waiting for

and it is an inside job that requires your swift and immediate attention now.

and it is fucking exhilarating.

So cheers to our last jerk off together as we turn our gaze away from the fear and chaos outside to what is pulsing with aliveness on the inside.

Me and me Old Mate Genesis will meet you there

(I will bring the Mexican beer, you bring the limes)


Soul initiation and emergence


My heart on the outside