
Magdalena is not a woman, mother or whore.

Neither her or she.

Magdalena is a principle of LIFE that anchors in the core of the heart stretching down to the smallest molecule and up to the cosmic sea.

It is a principle that vibrates through us as grief, joy and rage- the ecstatic expression of incarnation pulsing and animating us as LIFE.

Magdalena is the capacity to hold all existence as love inside our heart chambers without faltering; a staunch determination to not fall into the allurement of duality, polarity or separation.

It is the bridge to all worlds, all kingdoms through the remembering of this shared LIFE and its inherent sacredness.

Magdalena is both the serpent and the sword.

It is the column of light erecting our spine with the remembering of who we and where our life is sourced.

It is the exuberant vibration of colour, texture and tone dancing around this light. A humming, throbbing, pulsing stream of living electricity relating with all worlds.

From crown to base

from sun to earth.

Magdalena is the marriage of Christ and Mary inside US. It is our own crucifixion, resurrection AND descension. The holy union of spirit and matter LIVED now, on this planet in sacrosanct bodies.

Magdalena is a gaze that cracks open the heart in grief for all the times we forgot

That we are this love.

It is the healthy shame of our own amnesia.

Magdalena is the eternal embrace for the moments we failed love. It is the soothing whispers of forgiveness before anything ever began.

Magdalena is the stillness between all movement, the interval.

It is the moment of choice as LIFE enters as a seed of vastness and is kneaded into form by our own hands.

It is the event horizon between expansion and contraction. The death between each breath. and our choice to inhale again and again.

It is the surrender to the principle of grace and love fiercely and with a loyal WILL that extends in all directions.

It is the willingness to walk around with our hearts on the outside of our bodies and for the nakedness of our surrender to bleed freely.

Magdalena is the knitting together of our trembling child and cosmic soul as the ONE rose.

It is the embrace of our most intimate experience.




Soul initiation and emergence