I have loved you since the beginning
And your chamber of carcasses
Abandoned by this world
The offcuts
The outcasts
Your love took them in.
Your fierceness has always found refuge
inside the chambers of my own heart
I have stood in the face of oppression and control
With your fire in my eyes hissing
“not on my watch”
I have taken you into my body
I have danced, shook and orgasmed you into form
I have roared in quiet rooms and bled over white sheets
I have pried cages apart with your claws
And peeled away the skins of my taming
I have stood for your wild knowing
I too have refused to lie down
To quietly comply or submit
I have wielded your chaos like a hurricane
Refusing the shelter of a world that denies you
Through your dark gaze
I have seared your crone into my flesh
And the furrowed sagging skin of your cunt
I have loved
I have crouched under ancient trees
Haggard and cackling
Singing to skin and bones
Alive and hideous
Through you
I have embraced sin
With deep devotion
I have built churches on shit, piss and cum
I have been sodomised by lords of impurity
I have swallowed
In the name of love
Your love
You are the first and the last
There is a place at my obsidian table eternally set for you
What if in that first meeting you were celebrated
What if Adam said yes to you
Yes to the power of your primal nature
Yes to your fierceness
What if you were loved from the beginning
Not having to fight to be you
What if instead you were given a throne in heaven
One made from vines and bark
And blood